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Главная » 2022 » Август » 16 » US News on 16.08.22
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US News on 16.08.22
A resident of the UK has found a way to make money on her own wardrobe. She spoke on this topic on her TikTok page.

A user of the network, Sarah Guild, said that she regularly bought outfits for various celebrations, but wore them only once. For this reason, the girl began to rent out her old clothes in order to return the savings spent on her. "I will help you save money on shopping," the British woman said in one of the videos, showing a lemon dress.

The heroine of the material admitted that in this way she receives hundreds of pounds a month, while she did not specify the exact amount of earnings. "Why would girls buy a thing for 800 pounds (59.5 thousand rubles) if I can give it to them for 100 pounds (7437 rubles)? I get money, and my clients keep their funds," the blogger explained.

In April, American Aksaila Enquarius began selling her worn-out clothes online and suddenly became rich by several million rubles. The schoolgirl explained that she wanted to help her mother raise funds to pay for college, so she decided to sell her wardrobe items on the Depop online platform. "I feel that in this way I can repay my mother and thank her for everything she has done for me," she explained.

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