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Главная » 2022 » Август » 14 » News online for 14.08.2022
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News online for 14.08.2022
Military expert of the magazine "Arsenal of the Fatherland" Alexey Leonkov compared the experience of the Russian army in Syria and Ukraine in an interview with the publication " <url>".

"It is clear that the Syrian experience is important. But the fact is that the campaign in Ukraine has a number of features that are not suitable for Syria," Leonkov said. So, he recalled that in Syria, Russian planes worked from a height of six kilometers. "The pilots effectively handled targets that were in the palm of their hand in a desert area. And in Ukraine there is a lot of "green", where the enemy masks objects well, and this presents a certain kind of complexity," the expert said.

Leonov added that what worked in Syria does not always work in Ukraine. Therefore, Russia has to develop new tactics and methods.

Earlier, the deputy head of the People's Militia of the DPR, Eduard Basurin, said that the allied forces had changed the tactics of the special operation in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR). Now they are cutting up the forces of the Ukrainian troops and creating small boilers for them.

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